Publicaciones Similares

Health System in Peru
The main challenge facing this system is to expand health care for the population that still does not receive basic services.

Mexican Health System
To establish state policies so that the
population has the right to health protection.

Rare Diseases – Orphan drugs- innovative- models of procurement for rare diseases- pricing and reimbursement in Latin America
Orphan drugs used to treat rare diseases have been labeled “orphan drugs” because of their applicability to very small populations, and they respond to public health needs

Biosimilars in Latin America
The regulations for biosimilars vary
considerably from one country to
another, but in general the trend is an
increase in the regulatory standards for their health registration.

Biosimilars in Argentina
The country is currently an important producer of biopharmaceuticals, and for this reason, there are incentivization policies for the development of biosimilars…

Biosimilars in Chile
The regulatory body in charge of approving
medicines is the National Medicines Agency (ANAMED), which is part of the Public Health Institute of Chile (ISP), under the Ministry of Health.